Sunday, March 22, 2015

A Happy Ostara!

Greetings and brightest blessings all! I hope that everyone enjoyed the Ostara/Spring Equinox! We, like many other folks around these parts of Pennsylvania and other states, woke up to a snow fall which albeit slushy amounted to around 6 inches until it was finished. It was, hopefully, this winter season's last horrah before ... well ... perhaps I should say after the first day of spring!

As you all know, I spent my Ostara this year celebrating with my sister Aurora Skye. We decided to hold our private ritual in my altar room the day after Ostara instead due to the lousy weather conditions, but it was wonderful indeed!  ...

A rather "mystical-looking "type pic my hubby took of us just before ritual with the smoke from our burning cauldron

 The cauldron was filled with sage and blessing herbs which we burned for purification and to honor the goddess Eostre

Eostre statue
 Another Eostre statue which we used on our altar

A food offering of strawberry shortcake bites, and in lieu of wine, we toasted to the Lord and Lady with grape juice.

We anointed ourselves with Ostara Oil

We used my new "Spirit of the Mermaid" CD during ritual

And, after we closed our ritual, we gave back to the Earth as always and surprised one another with a couple little sister gifts as well ...

And, of course, no day spent with your beloved sister is complete without taking the time to go do a little girl shopping and so we spent the remainder of the day together reminiscing and catching up. It was a gorgeous day here and, let's face it, who could ask the Lord and Lady for more?



  1. Oh what lovely way to share some time together...very precious!!! do look like sisters, too~

    Hugs and Love

  2. It's wonderful seeing how the both of you were so happy together.


