Sunday, March 15, 2015

Something old and something new

Yesterday afternoon, I began making more holiday wreaths and so I created this one for St. Patrick's Day. I had taken a long break from crafting mainly because I hadn't really had the time. But, I have found that it always relaxes me and I truly do enjoy it so.

And, I also found an old pic from many years ago from one of my solitary groups' Ostara sabbat celebrations. Above are (L-R) Waterfae, Rhiannon, me & Aurora Skye back in 2002. I thought it would be a nice idea to scan it and then take it to my local CVS Store to add a cool little festive border to it. Ah yes, the good old days!


  1. The wreath looks great!

    Ahh.. the old photos... We went through a whole bunch of old photos during my daughter's birthday two weeks ago, back to when she was born. Strange, very strange... some people look so different just short 9 years later. lol

  2. Your wreaths are always so wonderful and beautiful, dear Kim...and when something is handmade it is even more special.
    How wonderful that you have this photo as a remembrance of a special moment in time and I love their chosen magical.
    Have a wonderful day dear friend...I had a nice visit here~

    Hugs and Love

  3. That's absolutely beautiful!
