Sunday, May 10, 2015

Back in the Saddle Again (or atleast in my sneakers) ...

Well, it looks like as of the beginning of last week, I am back to my attempt to shed the few pounds which I had gained back over the last year or so.

Only this time, I am forgoing the rigorous exercise which resulted in my losing clumps of head hair the first time I tried dieting at my age two years ago. With the spring weather now upon us and in full swing, I have fortunately had the opportunity to go for four days of up to one hour walks (well, my walk is more like a slow run!) after work hours. I work until 4:30 during the week and by the time I get home in the afternoon the sun is no longer beating down on me and there is usually a very nice, comforting breeze about the air.

So far, I have managed to drop just enough weight to get back into my summer clothing by walking and eating mostly grilled chicken salads and such ...

Of course, I am not foolish enough to think that I will be able to look as thin as I had in my 30's, but at the age of 51, I can only go so far as I keep hitting a plateau in my weight loss and my body has decided to fight me no matter what I try to do!

No matter; however, I have also decided that I am through with scales and counting calories as I had for so very many years as I have had quite enough of that routine. No, I have decided to let my clothing do my talking for me and monitor my weight loss by size instead!


  1. BRAVO! my dear look fantastic and I, for one am very happy that you are not going to let a scale make or break your day!

    Big Hugs!!!

  2. I wish I could lose weight like you have, Kim, even though it's so difficult for me, but on the 7th of this month was my first day I started really trying.

    Have a joyful day today my friend!

  3. Yeh Kim! I am so proud of you! Keep going girl! You do what is right for you! I totally understand what you are saying about counting calories and scales!!! Big Hugs ;o)
