Sunday, May 31, 2015

What's new ...

Greetings, my friends! What's new? Well, hubby and I have already purchased tickets for the Loreena McKennitt concert to be held on October 20th at the Santander Performing Arts Center in Reading, PA. This will be our anniversary gift to one another as we both truly so enjoy her music! Our anniversary is not until the end of September, but we wanted to be able to get good tickets all the same.

I have been fairly busy with various things and so I haven't been able to blog much as of late. Anyway, not much else new happening on this end at any rate. I do seem to be making a few furry friends during my late afternoon walks as the groundhogs keep scurrying past me while I walk. There are a lot of them around our area.

Hope all is well with everyone!! Until next time all, I will leave you with a vid clip of one of my all-time favorite groups whom I was fortunate enough to see perform live back in 1996 in Allentown, PA. ~  LOVE Tommy Shaw!!  )o(


  1. That will be a wonderful concert, yay for you! See you soon. =)

  2. Wishing you both a happy upcoming anniversary my friend.

    I loved the videos and the music, thank you.

  3. Great videos, Kim! Made me want to dance...

    Wishing you and hubby a great anniversary...a bit soon, but then I forget things quickly ;)

    Hugs & Love
