Sunday, June 14, 2015

And so it goes ...

Well my friends, it is like my dad always used to say, "Life has never promised us a bed of roses." How true.

This year thus far, our family has certainly had its' share of life changes to say the very least. First was the passing of my beloved dad, a loss I know which our family will never fully recover from (as always holds true after a devastating loss of a loved one), and, this will be the first year we will not have him around to celebrate Father's Day.

A week ago, my mother-in-law (whom I always refer to as my "second mom") suffered a very bad fall and had to be hospitalized for a couple of days then three more days of rehab. Because my father-in-law is not well in body or mind, he could not be left alone in the house for any length of time. And so hubby, his cousin and her husband, and I had taken turns staying at the house to take care of him. For those who have never "been there," this is not by any means an easy task ~ not for the family member who is subjected to illness or for the rest of the family who can do little except to sit back and watch it all unfold ... hoping for the best while doing their best to take care of them.

The good news is, mom is back home again and will continue to rehab there while my hubby stays with them to help mom with whatever she and my father-in-law may need.

On a more happy note; however, both my sister Robin (aka Aurora Skye) and mom (second mom, that is) had birthdays this past week. Robin's was on Friday and mom's is actually today!



  1. Heartbreaks to had it all here, dear Kim. At least you ended on a happy note...may you keep getting good news more than sad news~

    Hugs & Blessings

    1. Thanks, Jan! I was so sorry to hear that you had to close your blog. I will miss your beautiful posts! GREAT to still hear from you, dearest friend!

    2. It didn't last long :) I ended-up changing the name and URL to Autumn to Witches...I keep trying. Maybe the 1113 will be the!!!
      No...there weren't that many blogs but there were plenty :)
      I only have one post from today but all you have to do is click on my name and it will take you my about me page and you can get to my blog from there.

      Hugs & Love

  2. Awww.. Happy birthday to your mom Kim! And I'm glad everything ended up well with your mom in law. Life dishes out a little bit of everything, doesn't it. A little bit of heartbreak, a little bit of happiness... we don't have much choice, we have to deal with what is given. :)

  3. I am so sorry for all you and your family are going through! Keep strong my friend! I am sending healing prayers for you! Happy Birthday to your mom and Robin ;o)
