Sunday, June 07, 2015


Happy Sunday everyone! My, how the weekends always fly by so quickly. Most especially when you are very busy. But despite that fact, I have been spending a lot of time reading books which I bought weeks (even months) ago, yet never had taken the time to sit down and quietly read.

You all know how my hubby and I are fans of the Discovery Channel series, "The Deadliest Catch," so much so that last September we decided to purchase tickets for our anniversary to see some of the real life captains and crew of the very popular crab fishing boat "The Northwestern" at "The Sands" in Bethlehem ~ we simply couldn't resist the opportunity. We even had our picture taken with them and they signed autographs for the fans after the show.

(L~R): Jake Anderson, Edgar Hansen, me, hubby, and Sig Hansen (2014)
Anyway, lately I have been stuck with my nose in at least three books this week. I just couldn't put them down once I began reading them. It is worth noting that I am  not what you would call an avid reader as I do not normally read fast and if a book does not hold my attention after about the second chapter, it never gets finished ... ever!
So far, this week I have already read Jake Anderson's book, "Relapse" and Sig Hansen's legendary family saga, "North by Northwestern." Both extremely interesting books. The next couple which I plan to enthrall myself in will be ...
"Captain Phil Harris: The Legendary Crab Fisherman, Our Hero, Our Dad" written by Josh & Jake Harris
"Time Bandit: Two Brothers, the Bering Sea, and One of the World's Deadliest Jobs" by Johnathan & Andy Hillstrand
Can't wait to start reading away! Have a Blessed day all!       


  1. These books sound very interesting, Kim. I love to read true stories about the sea and those who sail on it!
    Here are two that I have you I got lost in them and couldn't put them down for very long...

    1. Wake of the Green Storm (A survivor's Tale) by Marlin Bree
    2. Alone Against the Atlantic by Gerry Spies with Marlin Bree

    I love to share about interesting books...I love reading and collecting books, too :)

    Love & Blessings

  2. When you are really interested in something, reading goes very well ; )
    It sounds very interesting. I don't know the show, but I can imagine it is a great show to watch.
    Have a wonderful day.

  3. Kim...I just wanted to let you know that on my blog I added Followers and since it was an old blog that now has a new name and a new URL I wasn't sure if you still wanted to follow me. If you do not no hard feelings. You will always be my favorite Wiccan :))

    Hugs & Blessings
