Sunday, July 05, 2015

A lazy Sunday afternoon at the homestead ...

 Happy Sunday all! Well, with another holiday here and gone and all of my house work done, it is just another lazy day here at home. The cats are chilling on the sofa and I am resting up for another insane work week to begin tomorrow, a Monday after a long holiday weekend that is.

(L-R top) Haley, Tabitha, Leo
 (Bottom) Kiki and Midnight
While we are making a bit of progress with Leo, he is still a problem child as far as his extremely rough and aggressive behavior ... both with the other cats and us. I have therefore finally decided to make an appointment for him at our vet on Tuesday after work. Hopefully, they can give us something to calm him down. Now, we have tried everything the vet approved which we could purchase over-the-counter that was safe for cats, and we even tried the "natural" method and used the "Feliway for Cats" products, but to no avail. It did absolutely nothing, mind you, and was a complete and total waste of money as far as we are concerned. Therefore, this is our last resort.
But, seriously my friends, doesn't he just look like a character in the first pic at the top of this post? Perhaps, we should have named him "Taz" instead of Leo, eh? LOL!!


  1. Leo sure lives up to his name...he doesn't think he is a "putty cat", Leo thinks that he is "The Lion King" :)) He is gorgeous so I do hope that the vet can help in someway.

    It is a nice feeling to have some moments to sit back and just breath.

    BTW...your fur babies are all beautiful, dear Kim~

    Hugs & Blessings

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  3. Leo is so cute! I hope it works out! I love the pics! Your cats are so precious! Big Hugs ;o) Missed you!
