Sunday, July 19, 2015

A Shopping We Did Go

Once in a while, you just need a girl's day out and yesterday was one of those days for my sister Robin (a.k.a. Aurora Skye) and I. We had a lovely lunch at the local mall and then spent the rest of the day having fun doing a bit of shopping and catching up.

Since fall will soon be here, I picked up a couple of more little items for Lughnasadh and Mabon at "A.C. Moore Arts and Crafts Store."

"You're the Best"
"Angel of Autumn"
And, since I am finally able to get into a size medium again(well, sometimes), I bought a nice dress and a crochet sweater at "Charming Charlie's" ...

I plan to spend today cleaning the house and perhaps even begin getting out my fall decorations, and if weather permits it I will go for one of my late afternoon walks.

Until next time, my friends, Happy Sunday!!!!


  1. So glad you had a good day out!

  2. Dear, look wonderful and your smile brightened my morning. I found myself smiling back at you...see :)

    Adorable "things" and a nice day for you...Wonderful!!!

