Tuesday, August 04, 2015

A Very Special Honor

Today, my mother called me up to give me a bit of heart- touching news and something which brought tears to both of our eyes. A neighbor of my parents for many years now who also happens to be a member of The Arbor Day Foundation, presented her with a card informing her of the following:

"In memory of William Lorah as a tribute, 20 trees will be
  planted and registered in the Chippewa National Forest. This   
  memorial was given by Mr. & Mrs. Bill Trout from Grings Hill
  Grooming Salon.

  With thoughts of comfort, peace and caring, these trees will be a
  living monument to your loved one."
                            ~ The Arbor Day Foundation

I know that he would have been very honored and extremely pleased to hear that wonderful news as my dad had always loved and revered nature and held a life-long respect for her always.

My father touched the life of each and every person who had ever had the pleasure of knowing him and I feel that this is indeed a special way of honoring his memory. It makes our family very proud of my dad, just knowing that so many people loved and respected him so much. He was most definitely one in a million and he will remain in our hearts forever.


  1. I can think of no better tribute to such a well-loved man.

    1. Thank you so much for your kinds words, Jacqueline. You, too, are one in a million!

  2. How thoughtful and how beautiful this tribute was to your father. In his name beautiful new trees will grow while keeping him a part of this earth and the nature that he loved.

    Love & Hugs, Dear Kim

    1. Thank you dear Jan! What a lovely way of putting it! You have such a great way with words. :)

      Brightest Blessings,


  3. Indeed, Kim, my good friend!!!

    Oh how I would have loved to have met your father, I just know he would have accepted me for who I am, even though I haven't, somehow by my looking at those photos of him, I feel he's looking back at me.

    Oh my . . . what a magnificent man he is!!!

    1. Lon, you have no idea how very much your words mean to me. And you are right, my father WOULD have accepted you for you as he accepted everyone for who they were!

      Many Blessings to you, my friend,


  4. I love this so much! What a beautiful tribute!!!!
