Saturday, August 22, 2015

Close Call

Never a dull moment as they say. Thursday night after I came home from work, hubby and I noticed that our little girl Tabitha was limping.  She was favoring her right front paw. Concerned, I called up our vet immediately, but the earliest they could take her was Friday at 4:30. So, I worked through my hour lunch break in order to leave early, run back home, pick her up, and get her to the vet on time.

Our Lady Tabitha on Thursday night

When I got home, Tabitha, to my surprise, had stopped limping and was jumping up and down on the sofa! After giving it a bit of thought, I decided to keep the vet appointment anyway, but instead of taking Tabitha I took Kiki since her sneezing fits and breathing had gotten worse and we would have had to make another appointment for her as well. She was diagnosed with allergy issues about a month ago and our vet told us to give her over the counter antihistamines; however, they hadn't appeared to be doing much for her.

This time, the vet prescribed 10 mg of hydroxyzine, twice a day. If that doesn't work, she will have to be tested for polyps in her sinuses. We are keeping our fingers crossed that is not the case! If it is, they will have to be removed ~ a very expensive procedure which we definitely can not afford at this time.

Change of subject  ... tomorrow night hubby and I are taking my in-laws out for a birthday dinner for my father-in-law at a nice little place called, "Kyma Seafood Grill" located in Stevens, PA.

I was working on a few more fall decorations and made this one for my mother-in-law (whom I call my second "mom") which I am planning on surprising her with tomorrow before we leave for dinner ...

Enjoy the rest of the weekend everyone!!!


  1. I hope both kitties are ok! Give them hugs from me! What a beautiful flower arrangement for your second mom! I hope the birthday dinner was great! Hugs ;o)

  2. Wow, poor Kiki and poor must be so tired with all of the running around and worry that you were under!

    I hope all went well with your dinner...that was a nice idea.

    Your gift was beautiful and such lovely fall colors...very nice!!!

    BTW...I changed my blogs look and name. My blog is now MAGICK HAPPENS. The URL is still the same so I am still in the same place :) I think you will like my new look. I also designed the header :) What fun!!!

    Big Hugs, Dear Kim
