Saturday, September 05, 2015

And the winner's are ...

Good morning, my friends and Happy Saturday to you! As promised, I am going to announce the winner's of this year's "Countdown to Mabon Giveaway."

So, here goes ~ the winner of the small MacIntosh Apple-scented candle is Mary (mxtodist123) ...
Small MacIntosh Apple scented candle
Autumn wreath #1 is Dora (Peppylady) ...
Small Autumn wreath #1
And the winner of Autumn wreath #2 is Jan!
Small Autumn wreath #2

Congratulations to everyone! I hope you all enjoy your gifts and a very special "Thank You" to all who participated in my giveaway!! Hopefully, I will be able to host more of these within the next couple of months or so.

As usual, I will make every effort to contact the winner's through their blogs. The winner's will have three business days from the date of this announcement post to claim their gift by e-mailing me the address in which they wish their gift to be sent. My e-mail address is, unless I am informed otherwise through my e-mail by the winner of any unforeseen circumstances. Should I not hear from the winner's, another name will be picked in their place. So, please do try to let me known within those three days to ensure your gift gets mailed out to you!

I wish everyone a very glorious weekend and a safe and relaxing Labor Day!


  1. I am looking forward, very much, to receiving this beautiful, handmade wreath!!! Thank you, are so generous~

    1. My pleasure, dear Jan!! Sounds like a great place for it! Enjoy!!!!

  2. Thank you so much. You just made my day.

    1. Mary, you are very much welcome, my friend! Please remember to e-mail me your address which you want me to send your candle to! Thanks!!!
