Friday, September 25, 2015

Our Anniversary & Update

Greetings all and happy Friday! I want to give a huge "Thank You" to everyone for sending their positive thoughts and healing prayers to my MIL and also to our baby girl, Kiki. Mom is back home as of this morning safe and sound. Her hip had gotten dislocated again and that was the reason for her bad fall. They knocked her out with anesthesia in order to put her hip back into place and she is now home re-cooperating. One hurdle down, one to go!

Now for a bit of happier things. Hubby and I had decided to go out for our anniversary dinner last night. In light of my MIL's current situation, we had to postpone the aforementioned dinner which included all of us until she is, of course, feeling better. Hubby gave me my anniversary gifts as well ...

Mermaid light switch cover for the bathroom

And the matching bookmarker that came with it

A very pretty mermaid toilet seat which matches the color of our  bathroom rugs

A very thoughtful and beautiful complementary mermaid light switch cover sent to us from the vendor my hubby purchased the toilet seat from ~ we decided to use in our bedroom.
Tomorrow, we are planning on attending the annual Celtic Classic in Bethlehem, PA. I will post more on that along with some pics from the festival sometime this weekend.


  1. I am glad to hear the good news. Your anniversary gifts are awesome and your husband so thoughtful. Love mermaids myself.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. congrats on the celebration of your Union! also glad to hear the hip thing is healing. You are in my thoughts. my best to you and your family

  3. I am glad to hear that your MIL is doing better. I hope that Kiki improves, too. I hope that the medicines are helping her.

    Your anniversary gifts are beautiful!

  4. What a beautiful pic of you and your hubby! Love your gifts! So sorry about your mother in law! Big healing hugs!

  5. Hi,
    Can you tell me the vendor for your toilet seat and light switch. My mother is in love with mermaids and has me searching for mermaid designs for her bathroom.
    Thanks and stay safe!
