Saturday, October 10, 2015

Hay Creek Festival 2015 ~ Part 1

Today, hubby and I enjoyed the annual Hay Creek Apple Festival! This, as with many other awesome events held in our area during the fall season, is also a treasure-filled flea market of handmade arts and crafts, antique and vintage collectibles, and great homemade food and family fun!

The soups are made fresh with cauldron's cooking throughout the entire day ... 
Pennsylvania Dutch Chicken Pot Pie ~ MY FAVORITE!!!
The festival lasts the entire weekend long and we could not have asked for a more beautiful day. Of course, I had to pick up a few lovely treasures while there and I will post more on that tomorrow. Brightest Blessings all!!!


  1. Everything looks so fun and even the soup.
    Coffee is on

  2. Everything looks so wonderful with people having a great time!!! Loved that train!
    That Chicken Pot Pie makes me hungry for my homemade chicken soup...'tis the season for soup and chili! YUMMY!!!
