Sunday, October 18, 2015

Our Trip to New Hope

Yesterday hubby, my sister Aurora Skye, her husband, and I took a lovely little day trip to one of our favorite spots ~ New Hope, PA. This was Aurora's hubby's first time ever visiting there and we had a simply beautiful fall afternoon!

Of course, we had to stop into the village witch shops where I found some great stuff ...

"Gypsy Heaven"

A cool candy dish
A celestial pendant
A Green Man pendant
And, "Mystickal Tymes" where I not only picked up a couple of more sweet items, but had also gotten the chance to see their gorgeous mascot (and shop owner Eric's beloved kitty) Morganna who is an amazing 20 years old!
A taper candle holder which I plan on using in my next Beltane ritual.
A Mermaid Chalice
A Mermaid Tea Light Holder
Mermaid Statue
'The Gang' posing outside of "Gypsy Heaven"
As always, there are plenty of cool things to see and do ...
Year-round rail road trips
The Bucks County Playhouse
"Christmas Past"
And so, after a wonderful day spent with family and friends it is back to my weekly house cleaning for tomorrow it's back to work.


  1. That sounds like an awesome trip! I have never been north of Tennessee, so it is great to see pictures of other areas of the country. :)

  2. Great pics, wonderful items and I love it all...especially the stonehouse :)


  3. Oh, I would love to go!! Such a beautiful place! You got some cool items Kim!!
