Thursday, November 05, 2015

Fun Friday!

This post is meant to be all just in good, light-hearted fun! Hope you all got a little kick out of it ... Have a GREAT WEEKEND EVERYONE!!!


  1. It all sounds right to me...teehee...

  2. I thought this post was a lot of fun, Kim :) I made sure that a few of my friends read it, too :}

  3. I know this is an old post but wondering did the pets mart treatment work if so what brand did u buy . I have been suffering with this problem for a few months , luckily my mom is the cat lady and has a relationship with the vet so I don't have to always take my cats in , I just can't afford it . We didnt plan for these kittens found them under a car , I tryed to move them a few times buy mama cat kept putting them right back under the car it was just a matter of time before the lady who owned the car would run one over , , so I brought home home week old kittens ( didn't have no idea what I had just signed myself up for), bottle fed them , they are my babies now , I found homes for 2 and kept the 2 I was closest to . Now back around Oct they started dropping tapeworms , they were still 3 weeks too young for the flea meds from the vet the good stuff so I just kept bathing them at least once a week as soon as I could I got the flea meds on them , treated my whole house with the best of the best , and about 3 times more than I needed to use ( bombs 1 treated 5000 Sq feet so I only needed 1 , but just in case I used 3 , then put down flea powder , then steam cleaned with bleach , and guess what a week later if that I see them jumping again, and now we got tapeworms again , I dunno how to stop the cycle . My cats are strickly indoors always, we treared the yard cause the vet said we can carry them in on our clothing and stuff , no type of flea meds work on them for more than 2 weeks or at least nothing I can afford to throw money away on if it doesn't work . So at this point were thinking of giving them up which completely breaks my heart but I dunno whatelse to do . I just can't get ahead of this . Ugh . Any advice is much appreciated
