Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Honoring ALL Veterans Today

Military Pagan Blessing
 (Prayer by Dr. Drake Spaeth and Rev. Selena Fox, Graphic by Kia)
Powers of the Ancient Ways,
In this place far from my home and my family,
I honor you and call upon you.
Powers of Earth,
Strengthen my physical body and the bodies of my peers and commanders.
Powers of Air,
Keep me vigilant at my post,
My mind clear and sharp.
Powers of Fire,
Give me courage,
Even when my duty is hard or bitter.
Powers of Water,
Grant me restful slumber and good dreams after a long duty day.
Powers of Spirit,
Balance me in honor, nobility, and spiritual purpose.
Powers of Goddess & God & Their Unity,
Be with me & around me, bless me & protect me as I carry out my mission.
So Mote It Be.

© 2003, Circle Sanctuary, PO Box 9, Barneveld, WI 53507.
Copies of the Prayer and these credit lines may be copied without
additional permission & forwarded to Pagans in the military.


  1. Hello, Dear Kim. I am sorry that I disappeared again. It wasn't magick...just running scared. Hopefully I have finally stopped this and will just blog with dear and old friends~

    Hugs and Blessings
