Saturday, November 21, 2015

One Simply Never Knows ...

It was March of 1983. My senior high school year. I was in a St. Petersburg, Florida hotel room with my fellow band mates and friends while on a band trip getting ready for practice when I first remember hearing a catchy tune by British artist Gary Numan called, "Cars" on the radio. I simply could not get the melody to this song out of my head the entire rest of the trip. So upon returning home to PA, I immediately went out and bought the 45 record (yes back in the early 80's you could still buy these things).

Now, fast forward to March 2002. My hubby, who ironically enough is a huge fan of Gary Numan's music, asked me if I would be interested in going with him to see Numan perform in a quaint little venue on South Street in Philadelphia called, "The Theatre of Living Arts." I shrugged my shoulders and said, "Sure, I suppose so. I am only familiar with one of his songs, but okay. Why not?"

Numan as he looked in 1979.
(Performing at the Trocadero Theatre in Philadelphia on his "Splinter" tour on March 23, 2014. We were there watching it live).

It took us about an hour or so to get there. The building was fairly large with a rather nice size bar, but no seats ~ only a floor and a stage ... one as you would see in a high school assembly or something. Hubby and I arrived early enough that we were able to get a good place to stand about three rows back from the stage. 

Not really knowing what to expect musically, I watched as Gary Numan and his band made their entrance on the stage. All dressed in black, as were ALL of his fans standing around us, and as he began to sing a song from his then newest album, "Pure," I realized that this was what they called "Goth" music. Oddly enough, I found myself memorized by it! This 40-some year old artist from the 80's decade sounded GREAT! He truly did! 

After about the third song of his set, I turned to my hubby and said, "I hope he sings the song, "Cars." Hubby replied, "I doubt he will sing THAT song here." Sure enough, as God is my witness, we hear the beginning notes to the song, "Cars." Much to my surprise, the "so-called" Goth crowd which consisted of mainly young people in their early 20's (and of course a few fans around our age), started screaming and singing along. At one point during his performance, Numan stared directly into my eyes for what seemed like a good 8 or 10 seconds before looking away. Hubby turned to me and said, "He looked RIGHT at you!" Of course, I wasn't too hard to find being that I was the only one in a crowd wearing all black who was dressed in bib overalls. Kind of stuck out like a sore thumb you might say. LOL!

Gary Numan as he looks today.

It was actually pretty cool because I was close enough to him to get a good view of his big, blue and very intense eyes. It was no surprise to me when I found out later on that he is a Pisces. Wow, those eyes of his are just amazing. And, as intense as his eyes were, his music equally so. His voice and his lyrics just completely blew me away! By far, the BEST live show I have ever seen! I am forever grateful to hubby for broadening my horizons at bit musically. To be honest, we both pretty much have very different tastes in music; however, it just goes to show one simply never knows sometimes what they will enjoy until they open up their minds to new things.

Finally, in 2014, we had the chance to see Numan  perform live once again. This time, at the Trocadero Theatre in Philadelphia, PA. He was promoting his latest album called, "Splinter." What a great performer!

And so at hubby's request, I am including one of his favorite live video clips of Numan's hit song, "Down in the Park."


  1. life is all about special memories and special moments. thanks for sharing this one!

    1. You are so right. My pleasure and thank you, Mr. Rat!
