Friday, November 27, 2015

Surprisingly Nice Holiday!

Yet another holiday come and gone. Originally, we all had planned on having dinner with my hubby's cousin's family at their house, but since my MIL is still on the mend from her recent hip surgery, we had a change of plans and spent a rather enjoyable Thanksgiving day eating dinner and relaxing at my in-laws instead.

My bro, me and my mom
"Tulip" (my MIL's King Charles Cavalier rescue dog)
  And, this afternoon, hubby and I were fortunate enough to have the opportunity to get together with a former High School band mate of mine and a really good friend of his whom he had graduated with for an early dinner and drinks at a place located just down the road from us called, "Ganly's Irish Pub." The last time I had the chance to see my band mate friend was approximately four years ago. It was so great to see these guys again during the holidays!
 Jeff, me & Tim

All of us 4 years ago at "Flanagan's Pub"

Jeff lives in North Carolina and is heading back home sometime tomorrow afternoon. And as for me, well it's back to reality and my usual weekend chores! 


  1. Kim, I'm so happy you had such a nice get together and holiday and I must say those photos are great!

    And I love that song!

    Have a wonderful day!

    1. Thanks, Lon! I have always loved that song as well. Many Blessings to you!
