Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Day ~ 2015

Greetings, my dear friends! I hope that everyone had a nice holiday. Hubby and I had a bit of excitement on Christmas Eve when we received a call that my father-in-law was admitted into the emergency room at the hospital. Although he was still breathing, my MIL couldn't wake him up or get him to respond to her voice at all. When we arrived at the hospital, he was awake and we were waiting for the doctors to do their thing. They decided to keep him overnight for observation and then they discharged him yesterday afternoon. He is currently at home and we will be visiting with my in-laws tomorrow for a belated Christmas gathering. 

Yesterday, we spent the day with my mom and brother eating and exchanging our gifts. Here are a few pics from our day ...

 The cats presents from "Auntie Judy"
 Kiki, Tabitha & Midnight

From hubby: a mermaid on a canvas holding a flickering light starfish
At my mom's house ...
 Her dog Brandi opening up her Greenie Treats
Me 'n' mom

My Beatles t-shirt from my Bro
With my bro, Kerry
Today, hubby and I went shopping at one of our local flea markets, called "Zerns Auction House" to do a little browsing around  for some cheap deals on food and other items. It is a great place to just walk around and enjoy yourself for the day!

I found some cool stuff ...

Musical Christmas Horse Carousel

Yule Ornaments made from recycled soda bottle bottoms

Vintage Home Mist

Have blessed weekend all!!


  1. I hope your father in law is ok! Sending healing prayers! I love your Christmas pictures! So much fun! Your fur babies are so cute! You found some cool things at your flea market! I want to come shopping with you!! Big Hugs! (Kim, do you still have your cat blog?)

    1. Thanks, Stacy! No, although I still have the cat blog up but I have not had time to post on it anymore is all. I probably will close it eventually. ;

