Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Happy Yule (and some other stuff) ...

A very Blessed Yule to you, my friends! I am off on my last week of vacation and spent yesterday getting a few things done. Beginning with a dentist appointment in the late morning and ending with a get together with my sister Aurora Skye and her hubby for dinner and to exchange our Yule gifts to one another. It is always great to be able to find the time in both our busy schedules to enjoy some very needed family time. We met at one of our favorite old haunts called Flanagan's Pub.
Hubby surprised me with a lovely gift. A beautiful mermaid painting on canvas which we had decided to hang up on the wall above the entertainment center ...

Today I plan on getting some cleaning up done around the house and then later on in the afternoon our kitty, Kiki has an appointment with our new vet for a check up and evaluation (second opinion) regarding her chronic bacterial infection in her nasal area which we have been treating for several months now and were told by our previous vet that she will be plagued with for the rest of her life. We will wait and see what Dr. Mike's assessment of the situation is and allow him to perform whatever tests and such he deems necessary in order to know where we stand with the situation. Keeping our finger's crossed.

Christmas will be the usual thing of visiting with the rest of the family and dropping off their gifts and so forth. They are calling for temperatures in the late 50's to early 60's which, although it hardly gives one a feeling of the winter solstice, is just fine with me! If I had my way, I would have spring and fall weather ALL year round! LOL! 


  1. This is such a busy time of the year, and I love it. Each day there is something new and exciting to do. I'm doing my cooking this week. Yesterday was cookie baking day, a once a year thing for me, and today I'll be making a huge pot of sauce. Hope all goes well with the vet and enjoy the visit with your sister.

  2. Happy Yule :) Merry Christmas :) Great pictures and what a beautiful painting from your hubby! I hope Kiki is ok! Today I am catching up in blog land and I will make a post later on. Then we are relaxing and enjoying the holidays :) The weather here is yucky! Pouring rain! But, I am grateful for everything! I am grateful for you!
