Saturday, January 30, 2016

Back from Nowhere ...

Greetings, my dear friends! My sincere apologies to all for my absence. Everything is just fine, albeit pretty hectic as usual. But, I promise to make every effort to keep up with new posts all the same.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful new year! Life has a way of changing our world at times and change is always inevitable ... I have come to embrace any changes which the Lord and Lady have chosen to grant me ~ regardless of  whether or not I see them as good, bad, or indifferent.

That being said, I would like to share one of my favorite life quotes with all of you ... to me, it holds much truth.

Have a very Blessed weekend ALL!!!


  1. My dear and beautiful, is so nice to see you blog again. I've missed you and wondered if all was well.
    BTW...I adore and love your header photo! That moon is especially beautiful!

    Lots of Hugs & Love

  2. It's good to see you back my friend.

  3. I've missed you! No apologies needed! I understand about life! Hugs!
