Sunday, April 24, 2016

Catlore and some great books!

(artwork by Cyra R. Cancel)

As a fellow cat enthusiast, I am always on the prowl for new and fascinating things (or at least to learn about things I never knew before)!  Cat folklore, superstitions and proverbs intrigue me and so I thought that I might share some of the interesting cat info which I have found with you all.

Here are just a few:
* If a cat continually looks out the window on any given day, rain is on the way
* Some cats can predict earthquakes (there is actually some proven truth to this one!)
* Cats are believed to be able to see human auras
*A cat sleeping with their four paws tucked underneath their body means bad weather is coming
* If a cat sits with their back to the fire, this foretold a cold spell
* If a cat sneezes once, it means there will be rain. If they sneeze three times, the family will catch a cold
* Early Americans believed that if a cat washed her face in front of several people, the first person she looked at would be the first to get married
* Tortoiseshell cats were believed to be able to see into the future and could also give this gift to a lucky child in the household
* When the pupil of a cat's eye gets big (broadens), it is a sign of rain
* The Pennsylvania Dutch used to place a cat in the empty cradle of a newlywed couple and the cat was supposed to grant their wish for children
* In England, it was believed that if a black cat lived in your house, the young lass would have numerous suitors
* It was onced believed that fur and blood drawn from various parts of a cat's body would cure all ailments
* In Tell-Basta (which was at one time the Egyptian city of Bubastis), a graveyard holding 300,000 mummified holy cats was discovered. A few were sent to museums.
* A kitten born in May will be a witches cat

Pretty wild stuff, huh?  I also wanted to share these two books with you which I had read many years ago and, to this day, I refuse to part with them  ~ both were written by the renowned author Desmond Morris ...

These are both really great books and I would highly recommend them to any cat lover!


  1. Thanks for sharing Kim, that's really interesting about cats, things I never knew before.

    1. Thanks, Lon! I am always interested in folklore and things of the like. Thank you for stopping by!!

  2. Very, very cool stuff! I never knew any of that! I am going to print your page off, to keep for information. Hope you don't mind. 300,000 holy mummified cats!! WOW! Big Hugs! Thanks for sharing the books too!
