Thursday, April 21, 2016

This and That ...

Greetings, dear friends! I hope all has been well with everyone and that you all had a very Blessed Ostara/Spring Equinox! First of all, I would like to extend my sincere apologies for my recent absence as I have been so very busy attending to a few very important family matters and such.

Also, by now I am sure that you are all aware from the previous two posts that I have asked my fellow Wiccan and very dear friend of the last five years, Lomendil Moriquendi (aka Dark Elf), to join me as my new coauthor of this blog.  As my good friend and peer has already told you in his introductory post, he and I had a "chance" meeting while he was searching for a Wheel of the Year that he liked to use for his own blog at that time. He politely contacted me in order to ask my permission to use it for his blog, and,  from there we began a very mutually respectful and wonderful friendship. After many conversations which we had shared over the years, I truly feel as though his knowledge and education will be both an asset and a great addition to this blog! I am so very happy to have him here!

What next? Well, whilst browsing through the web, I accidently came across a book sold on Amazon titled, "Who Are Your Devine Friends?" written by Sam Silver, a Nordic Wiccan writer. It would seem as though I was one of his names listed in his book under his bibliography (page 109, Lady Caer Morganna, referencing my "Honoring The Triple God" post from my blog published on May 5, 2011).

Funny thing about it is, I have also noticed many other websites and blogs who have apparently enjoyed my poetry and other posts as well ...  enough to add them to their sites, giving me full credit of course. As I have often said before, the main reason in which I began this blog was to help and/or guide other fellow Wiccans, most especially those who were just beginning their spiritual paths.

Brightest Blessings everyone until next time!


  1. Your blog, my dear, Kim, has always been interesting and I have learned much about the Wiccan religion over time. Now with your coauthor I feel that I will get the benefit of two knowledgeable Wiccans and I look forward to this very much~

    Blessings and Hugs

    1. Jan, thank you so much for your kind words and your wonderful friendship! It means the world to me!

      Blessings and Hugs ~ Kim

  2. Good morning and welcome back. I was missing for awhile as well. Thanks for the book referral. Heading to check it out now. I'm not Wiccan, I am Druid, but many of our beliefs are the same or similar.

    1. Excellent! Great to hear from you as always, Mary!

  3. Kim, I have missed you my friend! You are always in my prayers! I hope everything is going well at home! I know we all have our ups and downs! How exciting about your blog! That is so special to be mentioned in the book! Wow!! Big Hugs!
