Saturday, January 21, 2017

This and That ...

Happy Saturday everyone! Whatever you have planned, I hope you are enjoying your weekend. Today was a rather lovely day for me as I had a surprise visit from my sister, Robin (Aurora Skye). We spent the day shopping at our local Barnes & Noble bookstore and having a wonderful chat with Dark Elf. All in all a very relaxing day. 

Speaking of relaxing, my cats took full advantage of the lazy Saturday as well ...

Kiki and Tabitha sharing the couch

Lazy Leo lounging on his cat condo

I don't know how many of you have Facebook accounts, but I found a fun little quiz which  "guestimates" what you will look like in the future based on your current profile pic. Here is what the software came up with ... LOL 

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend  and until next time, Brightest Blessings!


  1. Hi Kim...Happy Sunday!!!
    You and your sister look so much alike...both of you are beautiful.
    Kiki and Tabitha sure do look relaxed and so does Leo :)
    Hi, Dark Elf!!!
    A great way to spend a Saturday or any day is in a bookstore :)

    I don't do facebook but since I am already seventy I know exactly how I'll look and I don't care to see anymore after!!!

    Big Hugs and Blessings Dear Friend~

    1. Hi Jan, big hugs and blessings to you too! :)

    2. Hi Dark Elf...Thank you :)

  2. Hi Kim, Hi Dark Elf, sorry I'm late! I hope you both had a great weekend! Great pics Kim! Give the fur babies a hug from me! (Kim you look really good at 70! LOL!)
