Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Sex, Lilith and Witchcraft - Part Two

( ... Continued from )

Imagine a highly educated, disobedient and sexual woman at high level of conciousness that is completely out of their control, she would be their worst nightmare! These women had been persecuted as witches in the middle ages. It's not just a mere bad fairy tale. It's theory, archetype embedding in the subconscious and of course practice.

The knowledgeable and independent women that refused to either get married and serve a man or serve the church as monks, were being targeted as witches. Actually the image of a witch flying on a broomstick is a mythological encoding of women using that broomstick as a sexual accessory. And the "flying" means the ascendance of the level of consciousness that was real and confirmed.

"The explicit implications of staff riding, and the sexual nature of witches in images throughout the Renaissance, are difficult to ignore. Artists like Albrecht Dürer and Hans Baldung depicted them naked. The witch in one engraving by the Italian artist Parmigianino is not riding a broom, but rather a gigantic, anatomically graphic phallus."

In previous posts elsewhere, I have shown how and why the Christian religion has been invented and designed by the Jew rabbis during the 1st and 2nd centuries. And I have shown how the Christians managed to dominate all the Roman Empire during 3rd and 4th centuries with bloody violence. Their church is LYING about "persecutions of Christians." During the 5th - 8th centuries there was the first "Witch Hunt." It began in 391 and it ended in 794.

Between 389-391 they emanated the infamous "Theodosian decrees," which established a practical ban on paganism; visits to the temples were forbidden, remaining Pagan holidays abolished, the eternal fire in the Temple of Vesta in the Roman Forum extinguished, the Vestal Virgins disbanded, auspices and witchcrafting punished.

"The Council of Paderborn in 785 explicitly outlawed the very belief in witches, and Charlemagne later confirmed the law. The Council of Frankfurt in 794, called by Charlemagne, was also very explicit in condemning "the persecution of alleged witches and wizards", calling the belief in witchcraft "superstitious," and ordering the death penalty for those who presume to burn witches."

But when the "good" Christians realized that they hadn't exterminated all their "enemies" and that some of them were hidden and escaped them, a second witch hunt begun, mainly from 1480 to 1750 and the last "witches" execution happened in 1793 in Poland.

"A witch-hunt is a search for witches or evidence of witchcraft, often involving moral panic, mass hysteria and lynching, but in historical instances also legally sanctioned and involving official witchcraft trials. The classical period of witch hunts in Europe and North America falls into the Early Modern period or about 1480 to 1750, spanning the upheavals of the Reformation and the Thirty Years' War, resulting in an estimated 40,000 to 100,000 executions. The last executions of people convicted as witches in Europe took place in the 18th century. In the Kingdom of Great Britain, witchcraft ceased to be an act punishable by law with the Witchcraft Act of 1735. In Germany, sorcery remained punishable by law into the late 18th century. Contemporary witch-hunts are reported from Sub-Saharan Africa, India and Papua New Guinea. Official legislation against witchcraft is still found in Saudi Arabia and Cameroon."

But it didn't entirely stop because the charges were just changed from "witchcraft" to "fraud." I have some doubts if charges for fraud are unjust in some cases because promises or threats of "witchcraft" can easily be used to seduce or scare naive people in order to get a lot of money from them. The easiest way is to claim that you will cast a "good luck" spell on them. Good or bad luck can't be accurately defined or measured. "Blessings" or "blessed charms" and "blessed" water or oil falls in this category of fraud, you can't objectively prove if they really worked or didn't work. That's why Gerald Gardner, the founder of Wicca prohibited ANY kind of reward for ALL kinds of magic work. In the 20th century the witch hunt was completely ended even in the form of anti-"fraud" laws.


  1. Παν μέτρον άριστον___“Pan metron ariston”: Everything in moderation”

    1. Greetings Star Anise! How very true that is, my dear friend!
