Thursday, February 02, 2017

Spiritual Healing and Medicine

USA is considered to be the first superpower and most advanced country on this planet, second to reach space after Russia and first on the Moon and Mars. The news that some ignorant parents left their two year old daughter to die because "god would heal her if that was his will" are fit for some African or middle-eastern third world country and NOT for USA. When I heard this news, I felt strange.

Some liberals - and conservatives as well - have misunderstood the meaning of democracy. Democracy is to decide what to do - and ONLY that - by vote. Reality isn't democratic, a family can't vote to raise dad's wage, they can vote what to do with the existent money. People HAVE TO understand this fundamental fact. Similarly science isn't democratic, you don't vote on what is true and what is false. What is true and what is false is decided by the scientific method, well known to every scientist. Religious beliefs or any other "rights" or "freedoms" has absolutely NO PLACE here. Science has absolutely NO FREEDOM, it has MILITARY DISCIPLINE to this scientific method. Theory, mathematical modeling and experiment.

The scientist has absolutely no freedom of opinion if he can't prove what he says. Either he can prove what he says or he is a charlatan and a pseudo-scientist. There are many hypotheses that aren't yet proven neither correct nor wrong and this is okay. So progress the science, but they are mentioned as hypotheses and once they are proven wrong they are discarded and no votes can alter that...

Spiritual healing is widespread in the witches community as well as fanatical Christians' "god's healing." Spiritual healing isn't proven yet as true, nor its physical laws are yet discovered. Science CAN NOT accept that unless it can be proven with the standard clinical methods. And science is not democratic and no, you can't vote anywhere about that.

You can use the spiritual healing, crystals and whatever you like, but first you go to the doctor. It 's that simple.

Just an additional note by Lady Caer Morganna:

I would just like to add that I completely agree! I have been a certified Reiki II practitioner for many years now and we use reiki as an alternative healing method for pain control, relaxation and stress, minor aches and pains, etc. We were taught that Reiki can be used in conjunction with modern day medicine in most cases but NOT as an alternative on its' own to cure diseases such as cancer alone.These people were refusing to get their two year old daughter ANY kind of treatment because it went "against their religious beliefs."

These irresponsible "parents" used their religion as some kind of sick excuse to not protect their child KNOWING the risk they (and the clergy from their church who is also partially responsible for this horrific tragedy and should also have charges brought against them in my opinion) put this poor girl in!

Freedom of religion goes too far IF it puts someone else's (especially a child who can not protect themselves from harm) life in mortal danger!


  1. Excellent post! I completely agree! I have been a certified Reiki II practitioner for many years now and we use reiki as an alternative healing method for pain control, relaxation and stress, minor aches and pains, etc. We were taught that Reiki can be used in conjunction with modern day medicine in most cases but NOT as an alternative on its' own to cure diseases such as cancer alone.

    These irresponsible "parents" used their religion as some kind of sick excuse to not protect their child KNOWING the risk they (and the clergy from their church who is also partially responsible for this horrific tragedy and should also have charges brought against them in my opinion) put this poor girl in!

    Freedom of religion goes too far IF it puts someone's (especially a child who can not protect themselves from harm)life in mortal danger!

    Frankly, these religious fanatics make me sick.

  2. If you are sick already, wait till you hear some other telling that there is the antichrist inside vaccines and they refuse to vaccinate their children just because their pastor says so...
