Saturday, February 18, 2017

This and That ...

Happy Saturday everyone! It has been one crazy busy week. We have had some snow and freezing temperatures BUT now this weekend it is back to temperatures in the 60's (not that I am complaining, mind you)! 

We have had our usual holiday celebrations here: first, Imbolc and Groundhog Day, followed up with Lupercalia and Valentine's Day just this week ...

Then, of course the boring and mundane stuff such as yearly car inspections, dropping off paperwork for yearly income taxes to be completed at the accountant's office, blah, blah, blah. Between busy work weeks and family obligations every single weekend, it is a miracle that I get anything posted here on the blog. But, I do my best.

As for today, I will enjoy the beautiful weekend weather here and spend time with my mother on Sunday ~ having lunch and getting her out of the house which she very much looks forward to.
(I love this pic of my mom!)

Dark Elf and I are currently working on some posts to share with all of you (hopefully) sometime this week. Until next time, enjoy your weekend and ...
~ Lady Caer Morganna

1 comment:

  1. You and your mom are so cute! I hope you had a great lunch together! Big Hugs!
