Sunday, March 26, 2017

Ostara 2017

Yesterday was a rather "belated" Ostara ritual celebration for my sister Aurora Skye and myself . Originally we were planning on celebrating Ostara last weekend but with the unexpected passing of my beloved Midnight, I was not emotionally or mentally prepared to celebrate anything at the time. 

And so, we had decided that we would postpone our ritual honoring until this weekend. What made this ritual different from all of the others this year was that we were able to be joined by Dark Elf (Perry) via SKYPE in Greece.

It was a wonderful day because not only did we celebrate the Spring Equinox, we also had a much needed day to spend together - some sister time if you will.

We began the day attending the 25th Anniversary of one of our favorite wiccan shops, "Celtic Myth and Moonlight" where we were able to have a free reading of either runes, palm, or tarot. Aurora Skye chose a palm reading and I had a tarot. 

We did a bit more shopping and then went home to perform our Ostara ritual with Dark Elf ...
(pics courtesy of Dark Elf)


All in all, a most enjoyable day!!


  1. It was just what you needed , dear Kim. I have always felt that there is magick in the number, your sister and Dark Elf celebrating Ostara seems to prove this.
    Wonderful photos~

    ~Big Hugs to All~

    1. They are my sisters as well now... Thanks for this really good comment. :)

  2. Beautiful Kim! A great day! Big Hugs!
