Sunday, March 12, 2017

This and That ...

Happy Sunday all! Hope you are having a great weekend. We have about eleven days or so left of winter and our weather here has been rather strange to say the least. The National Weather Service is issuing a severe Weather Alert Warning for Reading, PA and surrounding areas beginning late Monday evening straight into Tuesday evening:   :O
* HAZARD TYPES...Heavy snow and strong winds.
* ACCUMULATIONS...Snow accumulation of 6 to 12 inches.
* WINDS...Northeast 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 40 mph.
   Strongest gusts are expected along the coast.

Of course, as per usual, much depends upon which direction the storm ends up taking. We could get hit VERY badly or perhaps just get the tail end of it ... who knows? After all, the only real "weather forecaster" is Mother Nature Herself.

Moving on, my sweet old kitty Midnight is (weather permitting, that is) going to the vet this week because he is not eating well and therefore losing weight. Needless to say, I am very concerned and pray he has nothing serious wrong with him.

Ah yes, in any case never a dull moment in life, eh? It reminds me of that old adage ...
Brightest Blessings!

(posted by Dark Elf)


  1. Oh, my best wishes for Midnight, dearest Kim! I do hope that it is if anything, something minor and the vet will heal whatever it is.
    Good luck in the weather department...Mother Nature likes to play games with us and they are all by her rules ;)
    Dark Elf, thank you for those gorgeous photos!!! I would enjoy walking among all of them myself and especially with a Hobbit :)

    Big Hugs~

  2. I hope the storm hasn't hit too bad for you Kim!
    My prayers are going out to Midnight!
    Dark Elf Thank you!! Gorgeous!!!
    Big Hugs!
