One description of divine intervention is a direct and obvious intervention by a deity in the affairs of a human. As deep as this subject is, I never really gave it a whole lot of thought until two weekends ago when my sister Aurora Skye and I had our readings done at one of our local wiccan shops called Celtic Myth and Moonlight. I had a tarot reading done. I was asked to pick four cards from the deck, which was a bit different from the usual Celtic spread in which you use 10 cards for the reading. The reading was spot on and one of the things in which I was told was that I have the strength to see my way through my darkness which I am and have been going through for quite a few years now. Without getting into any details, I will just say that I was told that if I need to, I should consult someone further if that is what it takes. I must add that the tarot reader had no prior knowledge of or about me nor had I offered him any information at any time before, during or after my reading.
So, last week I had decided to have a spiritual reading done by an experienced local physic named Erica who has her business right up the street from where I work. The first thing she noticed was the locket I was wearing around my neck with Midnight's picture in it. She said, "That cat! This cat is all around you all of the time and the bond between the two of you was very strong!" Even after my spiritual reading she kept commenting about "That cat, that cat." lol
At any rate, she asked me to I sit down and she began my reading. I can not divulge much of what was said at this time, but I have to say that I was astounded by how much this woman knew about my life in detail! Things she could have never known about my family, my in-laws, my job and most of all my love life! All of which have contributed to my state of "darkness." Anyway, to make a long story short, I have been seeing her for a few chakra sessions in order to help me work through it all. I feel as though my first tarot reading two weeks ago was meant to be and actually prompted me to "get further consultation" with Erica.
And so, my question to you my dear friends is, do you believe in divine intervention and, if so, why? Was there an experience or event which made you think twice about what you truly believe? The reason I ask this is because it seems as though we choose our particular beliefs and/or faith/religion based upon our personal experiences. If you agree, please feel free to share yours with us.
Brightest Blessings ALL!