Saturday, April 29, 2017

Beltane ~ 2017

Blessed Beltane weekend all! Today was a very special day because not only is it a couple of days before Beltane, but I had the pleasure of once again spending the entire day with my sister Aurora Skye and also celebrating this beautiful sabbat with her!

Dark Elf also joined us via SKYPE and took these wonderful pics for our blog ...

Aurora Skye and I re-enacting the "Ancient Rite of Sacred Union" (aka The symbolic Great Rite) -marriage between the Lord and Lady.
Invoking the Lord God in the form of Green Man

Here's wishing everyone a very Happy and Blessed Beltane!


  1. Yes, it was a great Beltane celebration. Happy to have joined.

    1. SO HAPPY you were with us! We would have been very disappointed if you could not have been there. We both love you so very much. THANK YOU!

  2. Wishing you, dear Kim and your sister and of course Dark Elf a Happy and blessed Beltane~

    ~Hugs and Love~

    1. Thank you Jan. Happy and blessed Beltane to you as well.

  3. A very Blessed Beltane to you all! Great pictures!! Big Hugs Kim!
