Wednesday, May 24, 2017

This and That & a Throwback Thursday ...

Happy Thursday my dear friends! Hope all is well with all of you. First of all, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of you for your kind and thoughtful prayers and condolences in regards to my beloved cousin's passing. Your words meant more to me than you could ever know. You are all truly special to me!

Just another little update from Dark Elf. He has been spending some enjoyable time with the very good friends who he recently moved in with a couple of weeks ago. Last week they took a nice trip to Neah Makrie, a beautiful beach area right outside of Athens ...

Dark Elf kicking back and relaxing on the beach

Through Skyping with Dark Elf, I have had the much fortunate pleasure to get to know his friends better as well. One of our friends allowed Dark Elf to borrow a favorite book of his called, "Nocturnal Witchcraft" written by renowned Pagan author KonstantinosIt sounded so interesting that I also decided to order it through Amazon books. I received it in the mail this past Monday and I plan to begin reading it this weekend.

)o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(     )o(

An old pic of my sister, Rhiannon (on left) singing live with the band, "Second Effort" (Jeremy's dad and I are accompanying her on backing vocals).

)o(  Until next time, Brightest Blessings! )o(


  1. I've read that book and really liked it!

  2. Great pictures of Dark Elf! And, I love the picture of you singing! Big Hugs and Many Blessings!
