Saturday, June 03, 2017

Has the whole world lost its' head?

Greetings, my dear friends! This post was not exactly one I had planned to write, but as I was working on my current 'This and That' post I had decided to write a quick one about the absolute obsession which people have with politics these days. 

I refuse to contaminate my blog with political debates and endless, pointless discussions about who is following the correct or "right" party. I do not know about all of you, but quite frankly I am sick and tired of the trash talk and hatred all over the social media be it via blogs or Facebook, or any other place I go! I, like everyone else, have my own personal views and opinions about what is going on in the world and I wish to keep it that way ... to myself thank you very much.  :)

So, this quick little post is my rather "tongue in cheek" response to all of this non-sense ...


  1. They just transfered into the States the nonsense that traditionally happens in Europe... Fanatising people about the politics...

    1. AGREED, Dark Elf! And I for one refuse to buy into it all. If they wish to act "insane" so be it ... not me. :)

  2. Dearest Kim, because I adore and respect you my friend I will only respond with this...we only have one world to live on and only one lifetime in which to live upon it. See the beauty and the love and try to avoid the ugliness and the hate 💕

    Love and Blessings Dear Friend ❣

    1. Absolutely right! Very good advice, dear Jan!!! Thank you!!

      Love and hugs to you always! <3

  3. ordinarily I would agree with you but Trump has pulled out of the Paris Accord and declared himself an enemy of climate change regulation. We who love the earth should be disturbed by this.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Politicians in the States long ago were so desperate for fans that they used even half naked dancers to attract people and people didnt care. Now there are riots for the sake of those idiots.

      The people fanatising operation, went well in Europe, we had any kind of crazy "activism" you can imagine, even pro- muslim "feminists"! By mind-controling and fanatising the people these groups became lobbies and got much money through NGOs.

      Now they expand their profiting corporation in the US. They sell plenty of LIBERAL BULLSHIT and earn BILLIONS from your nice tax money while you cheer at them as your lord and savior... These parasites steal your jobs, social security, medical coverage etc. while you are thinking that they fight for you. In many cases they fight against you citizens supporting illegals, criminals, extremists and terrorists using your own tax money.

      This is the real reason that what Lady Caer Morganna talks about is happening.

      Trump is pulling out of Paris agreement. Well wait, until next election and vote against him. That 's democracy. Trump didn't deceive anybody he said that he would do this before the election and he got elected. You have NO right to go rioting or incite violence or plot to kill him.

      But know that you will vote against your own interests, and the interests of your children. Climate Change DUE TO HUMAN ACTIVITY may be an issue or not but you don't really help Earth by helping communist China dominate Earth. If USA falls, China will be ruling the planet. So know what your true priorities are...

      These climate-change bastards have destroyed our industry here in my country and have us civilians pay twice and thrice the normal price for electricity. Result: Old low-pensioners DIE EVERY WINTER by the cold because they can't pay these bills!

    3. Thank you, for pointing out one of the real world consequences to what the the climate-change ideologists have implemented. Just because it looks good on paper, doesn't mean it is a good idea in practice.

    4. From its very begining it wasn't about climate nor ideology, It was about extracting money from people and moving all industry to China.

      The consequences for the people include unemployment and expensive bills among many other unpleasent things.

      What does come next? Mass volunteering suicides to "solve overpopulation"? We had enough of this kind of liberal nonsense...

      We should continue the research on RES but we should not force them by law on the market. Whenever we force things on the market we get back unemployment and prices increaments...
