Friday, June 09, 2017

My Chakra Pryamid & Spiritual Journey

As some of you may already know, I have been on a kind of "spiritual" journey since May of this year. I have been seeking the guidance of my Spiritual Psychic Advisor, Erica who has helped me deal with some very major changes which have been going on in my personal life. Erica is a third generation Shaman and is of both Cherokee Indian and Greek descent. Her mother and grandmother were Shamans throughout their entire life and have passed their knowledge, teachings and powerful gifts on to Erica. According to Erica, only the women in her family inherit these gifts, not the men. She is not a Pagan/Wiccan, in fact, she belongs to a Christian church. But, she works with the spirits and the seven chakras as did the generations before her. Even though I, myself, am a Pagan I most certainly respect that. And yes, Erica also reads tarot and uses the Angel card deck.

One of the things she has taught me how to use in conjunction with my chakra sessions is a specially designed chakra pyramid which she has created to specific dimensions and specifications. They are extremely helpful in whatever type of workings which you are in need of in order to balance things in your life. 

I have been using the chakra pyramid for a month now and I can honestly say that YES I have seen enough changes for the better in my life to believe that these useful tools indeed work! So far, I have been very pleased with the results and I intend to continue working with them.


  1. Kim, my dear and sweet friend, I do understand what you are saying here and I, as you do, believe that there is more in this Universe that we can learn from than what we were taught at an early age.
    I, too, have Cherokee blood in my veins. Like Erica, I also believe in God. BUT, having said that...there are other forces at work and other teachings that were handed down through generations, that cannot and should not be ignored. I also have the honor of having Irish, Scottish and German heritages that I am proud of, too. I try to learn from all of my ancestors beliefs and be true to my own.
    I believe that Erica is good for you and you do need her wisdom and her insights to help you at this time in your life especially.
    One of my favorite books is "Inner Insights, The Book of Charts by Linda Mackenzie. She writes of Chakras, Elements, Angels and more.
    I am sorry that this is such a long comment but I care about you Kim and I want you to know that I am a believer and that you are not alone~
    Big Hugs and Blessings xoxoxo

    1. Thank you so much, dear Jan. I totally agree with everything you have said and I feel the same way. My reiki master always taught us that "we never stop learning from one another." VERY TRUE indeed!

      Love and hugs!

  2. If this is working for you Kim, then keep doing it. We all have our "own" paths and whatever is called out to you, you should follow! I am so happy things are working well for you! Just remember, to always listen to your spirit and love yourself! Big Hugs!
