Sunday, July 02, 2017

Continuing my spiritual journey ...

Greetings all, I hope everyone had a wonderful and Blessed Midsummer/Litha! I have been very busy as usual. I am still working with my spiritual adviser, Erica, whom as most of you who may have been following my blog for the past few months already know, I have been seeking some well-needed guidance from in order to deal with a lot of major life changes going on in my life at the moment.

Life is nothing but a series of changes and some are more difficult to handle than others it seems. But, Erica has been a great help to me ... mentally, emotionally and spiritually. There are two steps to my spiritual journey and the process is a long one. One of the many tools with which Erica has provided me with are her very own chakra pyramids that she has personally designed and created to use in balancing. Each one is designed for a specific purpose. I have already worked with the first chakra pyramid and I have just begun to work with the second one. This pyramid is mostly pink and green in color with the corresponding gemstones added to it as well ...

The second chakra pyramid has the "Third Eye" symbol placed on the side door which opens up. As with the first pyramid, this one also has a mirror inside of it ...

Well, that is about all for now. Brightest Blessings, my dear friends!!

)o(      )o(      )o(      )o(     )o(      )o(      )o(      )o(      )o(


  1. Kim, I am sending you healing prayers everyday! Big change, leads to great change! I know you can do it Kim! Big Hugs and Much Love!

    1. Thank you so much my sister!

      Much love back to you!!!
