Wednesday, July 19, 2017

This and That ...

Greetings all! Hope all is well with everyone. Not a whole lot happening here lately. I do; however, wish to to share with you that I am still working with Erica and she had given me a couple of more tools to use to help balance my chakras ...

My new chakra bracelet for balance

... and my carnelian pendant. Both were given to me by Erica in order to aid in my difficult transition. Beautiful, aren't they? :)

Speaking of transition, Dark Elf is doing quite well with his current move to Athens. Here he is just "chillin." LOL!

Well, that is about all for now, until next time dear friends ...



  1. Gorgeous jewelry with a doesn't get any better that that, dear Kim. I would wear both pieces whether they had a purpose or not.
    I am happy for Dark Elf's adjustment. Keep on "chillin" :)

    Big, Big Hugs Dear Friend~

  2. Beautiful pieces of jewelry Kim!! I hope it helps you!! Keep on chillin Dark Elf!
    Big Hugs, Kim!
