Friday, September 29, 2017

For my beloved Midnight ...

Midnight, Samhain 2015

This Samhain will mark the first major holiday without my sweet Midnight since I lost him earlier this year. He (along with the rest of my fur babies) absolutely loved lying underneath the Samhain (and Yule tree because I use the same tree for both except for the ornaments) every year. Last year, I had decided not put up the tree mainly because I was just too depressed at the time and was going through a lot. Little did I know that it would have been Midnight's very last chance to enjoy the tree he loved so very much.

Looking back now, I sincerely regret it and now that Kiki is not well I refuse to make the same mistake twice! Quite honestly, we never truly know how long we will be blessed with our loved ones be they human or fur baby. 

I would also like to believe that Midnight's spirit is still somehow enjoying his tree and, perhaps, he will even decide to lie underneath it from time to time ...

Since putting up the tree tonight, the rest of the cats are already enjoying it as you can see ...




Tabby and Kiki

And so it goes without saying that this year, most especially, the Samhain and Yule tree is dedicated to my beloved Midnight.


  1. Midnight is there sharing Samhain along with Kiki, Tabitha and Leo, my dearest Kim.
    Please do not be saddened at this lovely time of the year. I like to believe that those we love return to us when we need them. So...if you feel a slight touch, a stirring breeze, it could be Leo playing by his beloved Samhain/Yule tree with his brother and sister~

    Big Hugs My Dear Friend

    1. So very true indeed, dear Jan! I also believe that our loved ones never truly leave us and that their spirit and essence of their existence is ALWAYS around us watching over us in our lives.

      I so very much appreciate your wise and comforting words of wisdom ...

      Love and huge hugs ~ Kim

    2. I am sorry dear Kim...I meant Midnight not Leo. My grandson and great-grandson were in a head-on-collision last night. They were hit by a drunk driver!
      I don't know all the details right now.


    3. Oh Jan, I am so very sorry to hear that! I pray your grandson and great-grandson will be ok! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers!

  2. I'm so sorry your beloved Midnight crossed the rainbow bridge to the Summer Lands. Perhaps, he is frolicking with my Ink. Ink crossed over just before Christmas last year. He was born in October though we never knew the exact date. My girlies decided his birthday had to be on Halloween. I know how you feel about the first holidays without. Hopefully, the happy memories will ease your heart.

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful words. They are indeed always in our hearts.

  3. A beautiful post for Midnight! He is for sure laying under the tree! Big Hugs Kim!
