Saturday, October 14, 2017

This and That ...

Happy Saturday everyone! Hope all is well! This week I am on vacation again and have a few things planned to do ... many of them not what you would consider very exciting. However, I am planning to get together with some old friends - and my sister Robin and I are also planning to get together next Sunday afternoon for a bit of "sister time."

And, I have added a couple of more little holiday decorations in the house ...
 Crow and Jack-o-lantern

One of my Jim Shore favorites - black cat and crow!

Well, that is about all for now. Until next time ...

 Have a blessed weekend all! 


  1. I love your Halloween tree. Especially the picture of the kitty hanging out under the tree. Ink used to chillax under the Christmas tree. Have a good weekend.

    1. Thanks, CJ! My kitties have always loved the Christmas holiday tree as well. Gotta love cats!! :D

  2. everything is so cute!cozy, spooky tree!
    I love the crackle effect on the pumpkins, and the jim shore
    figurine is his stuff.
    Aww, the happy kitty on the last photo is adorable!
    thanks for visiting me earlier! so fun!

  3. Your house is looking so cool! I love your Halloween tree and your other decorations! You look so pretty too Kim! I hope you have a great week off! Big Hugs to you and the cats!
