Wednesday, November 01, 2017

This and That ...

Happy November 1st all! Today was my first day back to work as I had taken both Monday and Tuesday off to take care of some family obligations. 

I hope everyone enjoyed the awesome holiday! As you know, I had a lovely time with my sister. We always love to go shopping and I found this cool little item while we were poking around at Peir 1 Imports that I just could not resist ...


As we approach the end of the year, there is still so much to do and Yule and the winter solstice will be upon us before we know it. I have one last vacation week left and I have scheduled it the week of Christmas. 

Until next time, my friends ... :)


  1. Sweet mugs. Grumpy cat with the party hat made me laugh. Thanks for starting my day on a happy note.

    1. Yup, I love shopping at Pier 1. Always new and cool items there!

  2. I love those cups! what a neat way to display them too.
    oh haha! a zombie kitty apocalypse, hope all they want is tuna, we wouldn't have a chance against them, lol!!
    Happy Saturday!

  3. Those mugs are cool! Love them! Zombie kitties! LOL! Big Hugs Kim!
