Saturday, December 09, 2017

Getting ready for Yule ...

Welcome to our first snowfall of the season in Reading, PA.  This is a pic of my mom's back yard this morning. We are not expected to get a whole lot ... only calling for 1 to 3 inches.  :)

My sister Aurora Skye and I are currently preparing for our Yule ritual in less than two weeks from now. I picked up the fresh mistletoe for our ritual, and, much to my delight my holly bush is growing back rather nicely. These truly are resilient plants and since they were cut  back a couple of months ago, the leaves are looking good enough already to use for our altar as well ...

Until next time, have a blessed weekend all!


  1. how amazing!we never get snow here.
    your plant looks nice and healthy!
    Have a great day:)

  2. I missed this post, too. I love holly. Last year, The Eldest went to the annual town Christmas festival and bought me a bunch which I used on my outdoor wreath. No real holly this year as she had to work on the day of the festival.

  3. We are getting lots of snow right now. Mistletoe and Holly! Beautiful!
