Saturday, January 27, 2018

Life changes ...

As the old Gilda Radner character, Roseanne Rosannadanna used to say, "It's always something." Well, she was quite correct indeed! A lot of life changes have come my way so far this early in the new year. First, my family had to deal with my mentally ill brother who has caused much stress on us as you can well imagine if you read my earlier post about it, then came the loss of my beloved Kiki, now the loss of my job of 13 years. They say things happen in THREES so if that is to be believed, I should be golden for a while!

We have not been told the actual date of our last day, only that our job is going away because they are "centralizing" yet another job where I work to another office and that it will be 'sometime before summer'. As far as looking for another job is concerned, we were told that we may leave before we are let go but if we do so we are definitely jeopardizing our severance pay, etc. So until further notice, I will hold off looking for a new job, which no doubt, will be very difficult these days at my age; however, we shall see what happens.

On a different note, I have picked up Kiki's ashes and also the memorable keepsakes which our vet office offers. In addition to her cat urn, I now also have her lovely paw print set in clay and ink ... 

In an attempt to get my mind occupied on something else, I have been shopping you might say. I could not resist this gorgeous mermaid locket which I used to place my mom and dad's pictures in ...

Starting over is an extremely scary concept and it is also the second time in 13 years I have had to do it. I remember asking my beloved dad one time a long time ago, "Dad, how do you deal with all life's stressful problems all of the time?" His answer, "Well, I always try to remember that as many problems as I may think that I have, there is always someone else out there with much worse problems that me." My dad was a VERY wise man. 


  1. Kim, I am so sorry! I know you will find something else, because you are a smart, beautiful woman! Still, I know it must be feeling very heavy on you right now. Listen to your soul, it will guide you the right way! I love Kiki's paw prints and I love the locket with your parents pictures! Big Hugs!

    1. Thank you, Stacy. You are so kind and always know just the right words to say. Your friendship means so much more than words could express.

      Yes, I fell in love with the mermaid locket (no big surprise there, eh? LOL!)

      Love and huge hugs!

  2. It does seem to me that when we started working, it was a much more humane field of endeavor. I wish you every success in finding a new job and, as I told my kids when they left the nest, make yourself indispensable. All my best wishes to you.

    1. You are so very correct, Geo. Times have definitely changed and NOT for the better in my opinion. Thank you for your kind words and good wishes!

      Brightest blessings to you always, my friend!

  3. New beginnings can be very scary, but at the same time very exciting. Keep a positive outlook, and your dad was very wise, indeed.

    1. Thank you for the good advice, CJ. I intend to do just that!

      Have a great week!

  4. Someone ask me to come check you out and I'm happy I did. Keep up the good work & you have some powerful energy

    1. Merry Meet and welcome, Neoconda Oshun! Thank you for stopping by!
