Monday, January 01, 2018

This and That ...

Greetings everyone! Well, looks like my last week's vacation for the year has come to an end ... as always it flew by far too quickly and tomorrow it is back to reality for me! I did get a few things on my to-do list accomplished however. I thoroughly cleaned up the entire upstairs and added some new additions to my little nautical-themed bathroom.  I found a couple of cool items at Bed, Bath & Beyond and also some sale items I came across at Michael's ...

Two framed seashell portraits

A lighthouse that lights up red and green

A hand soap dispenser

A small green and white colored seashell throw rug

And of course I could not help myself to browse one of my favorite sites, I have been doing a bit more reading on dragons as of late and I found this interesting book called, "Dragonology: The Complete Book of Dragons" written by Dr. Ernest Drake ...

In Chinese (Eastern) astrology, I fall under the category of a Wood Dragon which is kind of odd because in Western astrology I am the sign of Pisces. Interesting concept to me all the same ...

And finally, an update on my Kiki-girl. She is such a little trooper and has really been struggling to eat very much the past couple of days or so. The strange thing is, she only wants to eat the Greenie treats I gave her for Christmas so I am going to try to put her back on her dry food and see what how it goes? Hopefully, she will be able to keep it down. I know it is only a matter of time before we must make that terribly difficult decision to ... well, you know ... but until she tells me with her body language that she is ready, I will not give up on her. Here is a little pic of her playing with her new cat toy ...

Until next time friends ... stay warm and stay safe!


  1. So I found a site to find out my Chinese zodiac. I'm a goat. And another site broke that down into categories. I'm a wood goat. But it said blue and black are colors that should be avoided. Blue is my color My whole wardrobe is based on those colors :-D Good thing, I'm a Leo =^,.^=

    Glad to hear Miss Kiki is such a little trooper. Extra cuddles and headbutts for her.

  2. I love your goodies you got for you bathroom! Beautiful! And, I love that dragon book! WOW!! Gorgeous! Give Kiki a gentle hug for me!
    Lots of love to all your fur babies and you Kim! Big Hugs!
