Saturday, February 24, 2018

A very special birthday celebration

After unarguably the worst birthday I have ever had yesterday, today was a very refreshing and pleasant contrast. Although yesterday was actually my 54th birthday, I spent a wonderful day today with my sister, Robin (aka Aurora Skye). I originally wanted to make us a homemade dinner of stuffed shells with ricotta cheese and Sicilian sauce made from scratch (YES, I can cook! lol) but with all of the turmoil which went on in the past couple of days, it was just not in the cards. So, I bought the ingredients and made us dinner anyhow ...

To go with our meal, I bought a bottle of Arbor Mist and a special treat I found ~ Mint-flavored Rum

And, my sister surprised me with a delicious red velvet cake (my favorite!)  YUMMY! ...

And some awesome birthday gifts as well ...

Scented Pisces/Astrology candles and pocket hand sanitizer.

I also received a lovely gift from Brett. A real cameo brooch of Amphitrite, wife of Poseidon ...

(In ancient Greek mythologyAmphitrite (/æmfɪˈtrt/GreekἈμφιτρίτη) was a sea goddess and wife of Poseidon and the queen of the sea.[1] Under the influence of the Olympian pantheon, she became merely the consort of Poseidon and was further diminished by poets to a symbolic representation of the sea. In Roman mythology, the consort of Neptune, a comparatively minor figure, was Salacia, the goddess of saltwater.)

Goodnight all!


  1. Kim my good friend, a happy belated birthday to you!

  2. Your dinner looks delicious, but as an Italian, it's not sauce. It's gravy. =^,.^= Looks like a wonderful, birthday celebration. I love Red Velvet cake, and now I'm hungry. Lovely gifts, and that brooch is exquisite. Many Happy Returns of the Day, to you, my Lady.

    1. LOL! Well, I learned something new today ... it is called gravy, not tomato sauce. I dated an Italian man many years ago and his grandmother would visit from Italy a couple of times a year. She could not speak English but she managed to teach my boyfriend's mother how to make this dish and homemade "gravy." His mom then taught me. One of my fav dishes!

      Thank you for the birthday wishes, CJ!

  3. Happy Belated Birthday, dear made the best of it with help from your loving sister.
    You will heal in time, dear friend...

    Hugs and Love

    1. Thank you, Jan. Robin is my family and I would truly be lost without her in my life. I am also very blessed to have friends such as you, dear Jan.

      Love and hugs!

  4. Happy Belated Birthday Kim!!! A wonderful birthday you had with Robin. I love all your special gifts and that brooch is beautiful! Yummy meal!! I love the cake too! Big Hugs and keep on Smiling!!

  5. I hope things begin to improve soon.
    Happy belated birthday..
    much love and hugs to you.
