Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Odds 'n' ends ...

Happy Wednesday, my friends! Hope all is well with everyone, Been keeping kinda busy lately. Last night was my long-time and very dear friend, Kiki's birthday and our monthly get-together. We decided to eat dinner at one of our favorite places for taco night, The Liberty Fire Company and Social Quarters ...
My girl, Kiki

The other day, I went looking for a nice, fairly cheap jewelry box to hang and store my necklaces in. Can you believe I looked at several different stores and NONE of them carried even regular jewelry boxes? Boscov's Department Store actually told me that they were seasonal? ... Why? I have no idea. So, I decided to make my own - not the prettiest jewelry box in the world but it will do the job just fine. I bought a plain wooden box (I can always paint it later) with a glass door on the front and a hook command strip to use inside for hanging the necklaces ...

I picked up Game of Thrones DVD's seasons 4 through 7 to add to the first three I bought last year. I figure since it will be a long wait for the show finale (the last season will be 2019 with no episodes this year), so I may as well get caught up.

I also found the perfect frame for my Magic Love Crow art I purchased recently from Stacy, "Step Into Your Greatness" ...

Well, that is about all for now. Enjoy the rest of the week everybody!  Brightest Blessings!


  1. What a great idea for making a box to hang your necklaces in. Odd that something as functional as a jewelry box would be seasonal. I'm assuming around Christmas time. You will enjoy catching up with GOT. I didn't see that coming! =^,.^= Happy Feast of the Lupercalia!

  2. I hope you had a great dinner with your friend!
    Isn't that weird about your jewelry box? You've done a great job on making one up!! You creative girl!
    Have fun catching up on GOT!!!
    Big Hugs!

  3. I love the jewelry box you made!
    The frame you found for the painting is perfect:)
    Happy birthday to Kiki!

  4. Fantastic idea for your jewelry box!!!
    Great job Kim!!!
    That frame is perfect! It truly compliments Stacy's gorgeous painting!!!

    Great Big Hugs!!!
