Saturday, March 17, 2018

St. Patty's Day post!

Happy St. Patty's Day to those of my friends who celebrate this day. I am not Irish but, after spending the morning at the dentist and then cleaning the entire house after I got home, I decided to make myself one of these ...  :)

And dress a bit festive ... 

My sister Robin and her hubby are having fun chilling with the crowd at Flanny's Pub. ...

I, myself, much prefer to hang out at home rather than deal the the huge crowds, drunk drivers on the road, and having to wait 20 minutes or so to get a drink, so I will gladly stay home and relax with my fur babies! 

(Just as an aside, my favorite Irishman, folks!) ...
Guess who???? (still the most adorable smile in the world)

(I "borrowed" this cute pic from CJ & Ink blog ... THANKS, CJ!)


  1. Happy St. Paddy's Day to you! The pic is a tee shirt Himself gave to me last year. I love your socks. Enjoy your celebration!

  2. It is also St. Gertrude's day. She was the patron saint of cats, among other things.

    1. That is so cool! I never knew that ... I learned something new today. Thanks, Judy!!!

  3. your drink looks delicious..I love your socks.
    I saw that funny pic on CJ & Ink blog..too funny!
    have a good night.
    Hope you're well.

  4. I hope you had a great St. Paddy's Day Kim! I would love to have that drink and cookies of yours! LOL! Love your socks Kim! Big Hugs!
