Thursday, April 19, 2018

This and That ...

Happy Friday everyone! Looks like it is going to be a rather busy weekend. But, before I tell you all about it, there are a couple of things I wanted to talk about. First of all, (and I do apologize for taking so long) I FINALLY finished the 2018 Sabbat/Full Moon post I started toward the beginning of this year. What can I say? Time got away from me!

2018 Sabbat & Full Moons

Next, the "countdown" to my last day of employment as my job is "going away" on Monday, April 30th begins. As the end-date gets closer, I have very mixed emotions about it. On one hand, after 14 years of working for this company, I definitely need a break from the job itself even though I will very much miss some of my long-time fellow co-workers ... and, most especially the fact that I will get a regular paycheck! On the other hand, I am absolutely terrified about starting all over yet again at the age of 54!!! I pray I have the strength to push forward and the confidence enough to be able to find a job that will pay my bills. In any case, I virtually have no choice in the matter so starting over it is! 

Finally for a bit of happy news, we have tickets to go see the 'Cat Daddy'  himself from the Animal Planet series, "My Cat From Hell" live this Saturday night at The Santander Arena in Reading, PA. 

For those of you who are not familiar with Jackson, he is a Cat Behaviorist who has a very interesting background as to how he went from working at an animal shelter in Boulder, Colorado to a long journey ahead working with (and yes, learning from) cats! I have already read his first book, "Cat Daddy: What the World's Most Incorrigible Cat Taught Me About Life, Love and Coming Clean".

Jackson with his beloved first cat, "Benny"

And I just recently purchased his latest book entitled, "Total Cat Mojo." I thoroughly enjoyed his first book and once I began reading it I realized that it was one of those books that I just could not put down. However, unlike "Cat Daddy," which is a more personal autobiography about his life and how he came to be where he is today, his new book talks a lot more about how to live with indoor cats and promises to teach you some "tricks of the trade" as to achieve a long and happy life living with your cats by understanding them. The reviews I have read regarding this book have been quite excellent and I most definitely look forward to reading this one!
There is also a pre-dinner before Jackson speaks. I am very excited to see his show and hear what he has to tell us cat lovers and fans who have a deep respect for what he does. He works with both the cat guardians and their cats. In most cases to keep the family cats from being homeless or even worse euthanized when their guardians have reached the point where they do not know how to handle their cat's behavioral issues any longer. His show is incredible and it always amazes me how he can literally re-train both cats and, many times, their owners as well!

I will leave you all with one of Jackson's cat tip videos. Hope you all enjoy!
Jackson Galaxy's 5 Cat Tips


  1. I started over again at, new career, etc. Was the best move I made. Loved helping others get their lives together. I do know what you mean abut the mixed feelings. I had them when I retired. I knew the time had come; I'd been unhappy there for a long time, but I was hesitant about giving up co-workers and clients. Even today, 4 years after retirement I still miss it once in awhile.

  2. First, though scary as your journey seems to be, I"m sure you'll land on your feet. Your outing sounds like it is going to be a blast. Hope you tell us more about your outing and the Cat Daddy

  3. Hi Kim! This is a changing point in your life! Fear always comes into play, when there is big change! You can do it Kim!! Don't listen to the fear! We are behind you 100%!!! Have fun seeing "The Cat Daddy"! Sounds terrific! Big Hugs! (I'm going now to see your finished post!)
