Sunday, April 29, 2018

What's new?

What's new here lately, my friends? Well, tomorrow is my last "official" day of employment at my 13 1/2  year job. Tuesday my co-worker and I are scheduled to meet with the Human Resources manager then we are done and out the door! I, personally, have decided that I have much to do in the next couple of months to come.

First off, I have to get my paperwork together for my notary re-appointment which expires this coming September. The State of PA now requires every notary to take a 2 1/2 hour course either at a scheduled location or via on-line (I am choosing the on-line option because it is a lot more convenient for me). Typically, notaries here must begin the re-appointment process at least six months in advance because there is so much crap we must do leading up to the part where we have to run into the City of Reading Court House to get sworn in and register our signatures with the prothonotary office also located in the Court House. 

Another item on my "to-do" list is a lot of purging in my life. By that I mean I plan to clean up my entire house of things I no longer have use for (old clothing, books and other things) by boxing up items and taking them to our local Goodwill Store. I also have at least ten pounds of weight to lose if I intend to be able to fit into my dress clothing for job interviews, etc.

Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention that one of my oldest and dearest friends, Judy from work, surprised me with a lovely gift to help lift my spirits over losing my job. She is so sweet and thoughtful, she gave me this beautiful Scentsy Black Cat wax warmer. It uses a special kind of soft wax so I just ordered some on-line yesterday. :)

I also bought a rather cheap pillow case on WISH that looked exactly like my cat, Tabitha ...

And, I also picked up a very warm and comfortable mermaid tail afghan while shopping last weekend at Boscov's Department Store with my mom. Since my mom is a retired employee there, she gets really great employee discounts on sale items as well.

Your feet fit perfectly inside the end of the tail to keep them cozy and warm ...

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone until next time!


  1. De-cluttering has been a continuous job for me since I retired. It never seems to end. The first year I donated all my work clothes. I know you plan on returning to work so that's not something for you to do. And after I retired I joined Weight Watchers and since that time I am donated clothes every change of season. Went from a 3X to an XL so you can imagine how the clothes were swimming on me. And don't even mention books. LOL!!! I put them out in my lobby for others...and order more. Never caught up.

  2. Hmmm...interesting afghan...cast-on in the round, do a bunch of short rows to get the elongated ribbing part, then knit the body until long enough and use a Kitchner stitch to close the end. OR Provisionally cast-on, knit the body in the round, knit ribbing with short rows, use Jenny's surprisingly stretchy bind-off. Go back and undo the provisional cast-on and Kitchner closed.

    Good luck finding a job that is a good fit for you and with getting the notary paperwork done.

  3. I just sent a dozen bags and boxes off to the Epilepsy Foundation last week, and I have another dozen or so ready to go. Hoping to find a charity that will pick up earlier than the end of the month. When I clean, I want all the stuff out of the house!
    My dad was a notary for a time after he graduated law school. I have a couple of his certificates. The notary seals made me chuckle. Your scent warmer and kitty pillow are purrfect, and the mermaid tail looks very cozy.

  4. Lovely photos of cozy things. I wish you every success with your new adventure in employment. I imagine most of us have been through something similar. I recall being laid off from an indoor studio job --I was an art restorer-- and found work as a gardener to tide us over 'til something else appeared. I remained a gardener for 35 years and the "something else" was retirement. An adventure.

  5. Good for you Kim! I'm proud of you! I have to admit, for about 3 years now, I have been going through alot of my stuff too. It's like a cleansing and I know you'll feel good! The gift you got is so precious! And, I love your pillow case and mermaid tail blanket. Nice and cozy indeed! Big Hugs!
