Thursday, May 24, 2018

Friday This and That ...

Happy Friday everyone! It has been another busy week. Yesterday, Leo had his veterinary check-up with Dr. Dave. Leo was diagnosed with F.U.S. a few months ago and has to be on a special diet for the rest of his life.  He is doing well and Dr. Dave said Leo is healthy and told us that he is going good ...

After a "tiring" morning at the vet, Leo decided he need a cat nap.

Today, I am planning on spending the day with my friend Deb at one of our local flea markets named, "Green Dragon Farmers Market." It has been many years since I was last there and the weather is supposed to be sunny, warm, and in the 80's.

And last but not least, a quick progress update on my diet in order to lose weight and be healthier, If you remember in an earlier post, I explained how I was borderline diabetic and my doctor ordered me to have a blood test monthly. This is how I looked then ...
Me with my sisters Rhiannon and Aurora Skye on Midsummer 2011.

This pic was taken last night ...
I have a long way to go yet, but it is a pretty good start I think.  ;)

)o(    )o(    )o(    )o(    )o(    )o(    )o(    )o(    )o(    )o(    )o( 

For those who do not usually choose to include Memorial Day as part of their holiday acknowledgement but still would like to show their gratitude and respect for our honored brave military men and women who have given their lives for our freedom, I found a wonderful Pagan/Wiccan ritual I would like to share with you all from the's site. Here is the link for it if you are interested in checking it out:


This holiday weekend will be busy as well. Tomorrow I have a family gathering and Sunday my sister Aurora Skye and I are planning to get together for a "girls day". Looking forward to it!

Anyone else have any special plans this weekend?


  1. Leo's a cutie, and I'm glad he's doing well. the Green Dragon sign made me smile. Boy howdy, would that look great in my Zensical garden. Congratulations on your weight loss. You look great. Enjoy your girls day out. Nothing special planned for the holiday weekend. I hope to get out to the garden to plant some things my friend, Red gave me. I'll also be working as I'm lettering diplomas and awards for a high school graduation.

  2. What a beauty Leo is, and I am glad he got a good check up. Our fur babies are so much a part of our family that we want only the best for them. Congrats on the weight loss. You are looking great. How many more pounds do you want to lose? I'd love to go looking around in a flea market like that. Never know what goodies one will find. Have a fun day.

    1. Thanks Mary! In order to get back to the weight I was before I gained back the 10 pounds, I have five more to go, but I really would like to lose another five after that because my goal is to get back to 135 or 140. Last time, I hit a plateau and could not get my weight down any lower than 150. Not sure how it will go, but I have to at least try.

      Have terrific weekend!!

  3. Leo is beautiful and great news that he doing well! With your love and care I had no doubts that he would.
    You are looking great Kim...I am so proud of you!!!
    WICCAN's should be honored for giving their lives for their country! I do not care what religion someone is! Honor our VETS!!!

    Big Hugs and Blessings Dear Kim

  4. I love Leo! Give him a hug from me! I'm glad he's doing well!
    The Green Dragon sounds like fun!
    Kim, you are doing amazing with being healthy! Keep it up girl!!
    I hope you're having a great long weekend! Big Hugs!
