Monday, May 07, 2018

This and That ...

Happy Monday friends! Today marks the beginning of my diet and exercise regiment. I walked a hour this afternoon and as long as it does not rain, I plan on walking every day for the next two weeks or so to get myself jump started. I need to lose at least ten pounds within the next two months. 

I also began the purging process of cleaning up the cluttered mess in my house! Wow, I have no idea how I ended up with so much stuff I seriously do not need and only serves to make me look like a bit of a hoarder of sorts. Anyway, I have decided to start with the attic then work my way eventually to the basement.  :)

Saturday, I received the Scentsy fragrance wax I had ordered for the Black Cat wax warmer my friend Judy gave me last week as a gift.

And so, I had a fairly productive Monday and tomorrow is another day ... 


  1. Isn't it something the way we accumulate things? I remember when hubby and I got our first apartment. I told his sister it was pretty empty, that I had nothing to put in it. She said, "Don't worry. You will fill it up." She sure was right.

  2. Good luck with the diet and exercise. You can do it.

  3. You can do it Kim!!!
    Walking is great exercise!!!
    I need to tackle purging my home, too...but I know that won't be easy for me so I am going to wait until tomorrow or Wednesday or Thursday or....
    Take care my friend and have a great evening!!!


  4. Good for you! I have no doubt you will accomplish your goal

  5. I am so proud of you Kim! Take everyday one moment at a time! You will accomplish everything! Big Hugs!
