Tuesday, May 15, 2018

This and That

Greetings one and all! Not a whole happening here today except I just completed and passed my PA Notary course online this morning. It is required as of October of last year by the State in order to get your notary re-appointment. SO glad it is completed!

Then I decided to take my daily hour long walk. The sun is currently shining here although they are predicting a thunderstorm and there is a tornado watch as well a bit later today. I had taken some pics of the country road I walk around our house so here goes ...
I begin with the long stretch of road a block away from my house.
This is an apartment complex along the way.
A really cool house that a farmer bought when it was a very old school house years back. In the back of the house, is a red barn with PA Dutch hex signs on it ...
Next, we have the overpass to Route 222 and Route 183 ...
I always think it is so strange to be so close to the highway traffic yet right underneath the tunnel to the left is so much beautiful countryside.
The police training obstacle course about a half a mile down the road. As you can see, there are a lot of hills and inclines which make for a great workout!

Further down the road, there is The Mid-Atlantic Air Museum where the Annual WWII Weekend is held in June ...

And heading back home again. The entire walk takes anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour depending upon how fast I pace myself. 

Usually I see plenty of critters such as squirrels, groundhogs, rabbits, and even a red fox once in a while, but today they all decided to not make an appearance. Perhaps next time ...

Have a blessed day everyone!


  1. Thanks for taking us along on your walk. You live in an awesome place. You'd asked about my daughter. She lives in Mt. Bethel. Congrats on your certificate. I know how much you wanted it.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thanks, Mary! I have never been to Mt. Bethel, but I know it is closer to Allentown, PA (near Lehigh County actually) in Northampton County. I remember that because I used to work in the Auto Appraisal department as a dispatcher. Back then, we used nothing BUT maps! LOL!

  2. Loved seeing your walk. Your area looks a bit rural like mine. We also had the same weather today. A tornado watch. Thunderstorms and heavy rains. All quiet now. And happily not tornado. Hope you are safe and sound

    1. Yup, I get the feeling your weather is pretty similar to ours much of the time. We had exactly what you described, now calm and peaceful as if nothing ever happened.

      We got lucky this time, the local paper said that there were a lot of trees down, etc. in surrounding areas.

      Glad you did not get the tornado either!

  3. Thank you Kim...what a great walk you shared with us!!!
    I love that old schoolhouse!!!
    Congrats on getting your PA Notary course certificate 🎉🎊🎈🎆🎇

    Big Hugs

    1. Thanks Jan! I love that schoolhouse too and the red barn.

  4. I hope the weather didn't hit you bad Kim.
    Thank you for taking us on your walk. You live in such a beautiful area!
    Big Hugs!
